Monday, January 24, 2011

Le troisième jour

There was orientation from 9:00 to about 17:00 and yes, we operate on military time :(
Not much to say today...and sadly, I forgot to take any photos because of the fast paced walking tours
There was a lot of information today, namely "faire attention!" and "dites non!" which is referring to pickpockets and of course, French men .

So apparently...making eye contact combined with smiling is often interpreted as
"yeah, I'll go home with you tonight"

Donc, we were told to refrain from smiling because the French were/are not taught to smile.
*shrug* well, me neither : P

After the information session about clubs, pubs, getting shitfaced, etc with some French students our own age, we were finally allowed to leave.
A group of us ended up at Le Monoprix (not actually a "one price" store, more like a cross between a Bloomingdale and a Target, believe it or not). Our attempt at getting a phone plan failed because of our reluctance to compete with the mob at Orange (mobile store).

Again...not much to say, classes begin tomorrow at 9:00 so I'll just end this post with a review of what I've spent today!

Un double café pour 3€
Un sandwich du saucisson avec je ne sais pas (s'appelle Le Préféré) pour 4€
Les d'autre choses comme des cahiers et du shampooing @ le Monoprix pour 7,71€
Les cartes postales pour 3€
Le total est 17,71€ (USD~$24)

So obviously, I can't live like that everyday...hmm

D'accord, bonsoir tout le monde!

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