Friday, February 11, 2011

Uh...I lost count.

Quick (but not really) recap of some events since my last post...

Jan 29-30: Nice-Monaco-Cannes
Market place right across from the beach in Nice!
Colors to die for : )

We went to Monaco that night as soon as it stopped raining so that we could go to Monte Carlo!
Originally, we were told we had to be 21 to enter, but apparently, they changed the age restriction some time ago. :D yayyy.

There was a 10 Euro entrance fee though. boooo.

I won 100Euros at blackjack table. yayyyy

2 yays > 1 boo

After a night by the Mediterranean Center (Hostel?), we headed to Cannes!
There was another beach but it was a pretty cloudy day : (
Quick Summary of Cannes
  • took group photo on those famous red carpet steps
  • found those famous hand prints on the floor
  • climbed up a hill to the church (which is where the photo above comes from)
  • Went into a sex shop (surprisingly open on Sundays, since nothing else is)
  • Walked along the beach, took off my shoes and went in. Cold.
  • Walked back to the bus barefoot. Cold. Painful. And lots of stares from locals

Classes : ( My newly added class f'ed up my schedule. Now I have to walk to a 9am class 3/5 days

Feb 1: Wohoo

Let a French guy walk a friend home, only to get a strange phone call from him 15 minutes later.
Don't worry, she's alive.

Feb 3-4: Alex's birthday (Sextius and IPN)
Alex's 21st birthday!

Flaming Shots
Pole Dancing
Interrogated by the bouncer followed by a quick departure...
we did not get "kicked" out, we left on our own...the bouncer was scary : (
2AM French fries : )

Feb 4-5: Paris!
Whoever said the train was cheap, lied. out of his ass.
Arab-run hostel. hmm.
The Louvre (The Mona Lisa is overrated : P )
Eiffel Tower (night and day)
+ other cool looking buildings!

That's all for now!
Currently working on my stack of postcards...
Hope everyone gets them soon!

Oh, one last note.

Currently watching 一不小心爱上你
seems like, no scratch that, it IS a chinese copy of Autumn Tale

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